World Vegetarian Day (Oct. 1st)

Happy World Vegetarian Day! October 1st kicks off Vegetarian Awareness Month while also serving as World Vegetarian Day. This day and month are not meant to single out vegetarians, instead, it celebrates and educates others about this popular way of eating. Meat consumption worldwide has increased significantly in recent decades, with per capita consumption almost doubling since the early 1960s, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. While this may not seem significant in the grand scheme of things, meat consumption and demand worldwide has had a massive impact on environmental and human health. By reducing the amount of meat that humans consume, we can help reduce the impact this industry has on the environment. This does not have to mean completely giving up consumption of meat products. Being meatless even for a meal can have positive impacts on the world around us and our own health.

The meat industry alone contributes greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere through the production and raising of different meat products. Cows emit gases such as CO2, nitrous oxide, and methane into the atmosphere which are three gases that have been linked to global warming. In addition to greenhouse gas emissions, the meat industry overall uses energy to raise and produce the amount of meat needed to feed humans worldwide. Freshwater ecosystems are also impacted by the animal-based food industry. Not only are organisms (such as trout, clams, and crayfish) removed from the ecosystem for food, but their harvesting can increase water pollution in these areas. There are other benefits to eating a vegetarian diet besides helping the environment. Vegetarians tend to eat less fat and focus on foods that are rich in other nutrients such as fiber and vitamins. Decreasing meat consumption helps us focus on balance within our diets.

Below are some easy ways to incorporate meatless options into your everyday meals:

Instead of using meat for your tacos, try using refried beans

In your salads, try using nuts or seeds instead of shrimp or chicken

Use tofu as a substitute for meat in dishes like stir fry or dumplings

When making soups or chilis, chickpeas or lentils make a good substitute for meat

Try making a curry with sweet potatoes and/or chickpeas

Instead of deli meat, try using hummus or tofu for your sandwiches

Use meat alternatives instead of beef in lasagna and sauces

Here are some fun and easy vegetarian recipes:

Sweet Potato Black Bean Quesadillas {Easy Vegetarian} –

Easy Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers | Healthy Fitness Meals

Quick & Easy Vegetarian Curry {15 minutes} – Family Food on the Table