Zero Emissions Day (Sep. 21st)

Zero Emissions Day focuses on ways we can better improve our relationship with the planet by trying to reduce what we put back into the planet. This day focuses specifically on greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to global warming and climate change. While it takes effort to be carbon neutral (removing the same amount of carbon that is placed into the atmosphere), there are ways to be more cautious of the emissions we individually contribute.  By encouraging and giving people ways to limit their emissions, helpful habits are forged that benefit the planet and all those inhabiting it and ensure the continuation of our planet for future generations.

Below is a list of different ways that we reduce our personal greenhouse emissions:

  • Carpool/Alternative Transportation
    • Now, it might not be easy to switch up the way you move throughout the day, but look around and see how you might be able to reduce your reliance on greenhouse gas-producing transportation options. If you have a roommate, instead of doing your errands separately, try doing them together. If you have a kid, try carpooling with other parents or taking the bus. Look around for other modes of transportation, instead of driving yourself to the store down the street, try biking or walking.
  • Food Systems/Choices
    • Another way to help is looking at the way we buy and consume food. While picking up groceries at your local Target, Wal-Mart, or Publix, try limiting the packaging on the products you buy. Buying in bulk or opting for fresh veggies instead of packaged options helps reduce the amount of trash that is created and is sometimes even more cost-effective. Check out farmers’ markets in your area or other local stores to support local businesses and the local economy. This also helps reduce the number of emissions that are produced in transporting goods to and from the big box stores.
    • Another way to help include limiting the meat products you consume. The production of meat products around the world contributes to a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. Rather than eliminating meat from your diet altogether, try a meal or two during the week without it- like a meatless Monday.
  • Secondhand Shopping
    • Instead of spending a lot of money on new clothes, try going to secondhand stores and build that wardrobe for less. This helps reduce waste that is generated by the fashion industry through transportation and fast fashion (the idea that clothing needs to be changed constantly). Over the years, fast fashion has led to cheaper clothes and more clothes being thrown away due to poor quality.
  • Reuse
    • Look around at the things you use in your life and see if there are ways to reuse them. Instead of immediately throwing away containers that items come in, try finding ways to reuse them. Glass jars make excellent containers to store pantry items like grains, beans, spices, and even leftovers.  Gently used clothing and toys can often be enjoyed by other children if donated.