World Tuna Day (May 2nd)

Tuna has become an important part of many cultures because of its popularity in recipes all around the world. However, due to an increased demand for this fish, tuna stocks worldwide have been decreasing. World Tuna Day, celebrated on May 2nd every year, seeks to recognize this, and brings awareness to this crisis. Tuna has been fished for thousands of years, but recently there has been an increase in fishing that has left many fish populations at a net loss. One of these populations is tuna. This is happening to meet the high demand for tuna around the world. Intense fishing like this, as we have seen recently, is not sustainable for these populations. This practice does not allow the tuna population to bounce back or maintain their numbers that allow them to continue growing. World Tuna Day focuses on shining a light on this topic and keeping the public up to date on fisheries and fishing practices. Education cultivated by World Tuna Day Tuna Day can foster change and create more sustainable practices to ensure the survival of remaining populations. Much has already been done to combat this issue through restrictive fishing and licensing, management of gear that is used, tracking of fish population numbers, and designated protected marine areas. All these practices have helped eliminate overfishing, protect fish habitats, and prevent the use of harmful gear on fish, other organisms, and select habitats. Additionally, lots of support has been generated to educate the public and fisheries about more sustainable practices to ensure job security while also protecting the environment.