Solar Appreciation Day (Mar. 11th)

March 11th is Solar Appreciation Day which is a day dedicated to learning about solar energy and technology. Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that comes from the sun. Particles of sunlight create a flow of electrons that solar panels convert into usable energy. This energy can be used in place of energy produced from non-renewable sources such as gas and coal.  Here in Florida, many take advantage of the large amount of sunlight we have throughout the year and have converted to solar energy for at least part of their energy use. Florida (as of 2022) is ranked 3rd nationally for the number of solar panels that are installed in the state and 2nd in solar energy production. Many companies in Florida utilize solar energy including FPL, Wal-Mart, Target, and IKEA which has contributed to that ranking.  

Solar energy and other forms of renewable energy have been shown to improve the planet in many ways. In high populous areas such as cities, solar panels and green roofs have been able to decrease the amount of heat that is produced thus cooling these heat islands. The energy from the sun warms the Earth’s surface, and only around 30% of the solar energy that reaches Earth is reflected back into space. The rest of that energy is being absorbed by the Earth’s surface causing natural warming in the atmosphere. Solar panels work to harness this energy that is already coming from the sun naturally which reduces the amount of energy being absorbed by the Earth’s surface. 

Green roofs are dedicated roof spaces that have been converted to vegetation use and helped to reduce run-off and greenhouse gas emissions. These roofs have been a tradition in Scandinavia for centuries, and have recently become popular in Australia, Western Europe, Canada, and the United States.  The vegetation grown on green roofs absorbs carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and helps trap and absorb water as it passes through. These improvements that have been implemented have worked to reduce the warming effect that cities have and have reduced the amount of heat in buildings, reducing energy consumption to cool off these buildings as well. 

Sources Used: 

U.S. Energy Information Administration – EIA – Independent Statistics and Analysis 

Florida Solar | SEIA 

Solar Energy ( 

World Wildlife Day (Mar. 3rd)  

World Wildlife Day occurs every year on March 3rd and celebrates the diversity that exists all over the planet including plants, animals, and small microorganisms that all help contribute to the health and well-being of the planet. While World Wildlife Day is celebrated annually on March 3rd, here at Sawgrass Nature Center, we celebrate it every day. Our organization takes in injured, sick, and orphaned native wildlife throughout the year and works to release them back into the wild. On average, we take in around 1,200 animals a year including opossums, squirrels, birds (owls, songbirds, hawks, vultures, egrets), snakes, turtles, and tortoises. We are able to help all these animals throughout the year, and you can as well. I have provided a list below of some small things you can do to help protect the native wildlife in your area.  

  • Plant native  
  • Planting local and native plants in your garden helps to increase the biodiversity and resilience of your backyard garden and attracts and promotes the growth of native pollinator species as well. 
  • Nesting boxes  
  • If you can, setting up nesting boxes helps to provide shelter for other native animal populations besides just birds. Other species like opossums, bees, and bats (depending on the type of nesting box) can benefit from them as well.  
  • Education  
  • Help educate not only yourself, but future generations on the native wildlife in your area by encouraging them to engage with the world outside through walks, camps, and local discussions or events that occur. 
  • Donate  
  • If you can, donating to conservation efforts and organizations (local, national, or global) helps to provide these companies with the necessary resources to continue helping the local wildlife in their communities.  

Support local events during World Wildlife Day by going to the link below  

Events | Official website of UN World Wildlife Day 

North American Invasive Species Awareness Week  

This week marks the North American Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) which is an international event that seeks to raise awareness about invasive species, the threat they pose to native ecosystems, and ways to help prevent the spread of these invasive species. Here in Florida, we have lots of invasive species that have come into our local ecosystems including Muscovy ducks, Burmese pythons, and cane toads. The state of Florida itself has more non-native reptile and amphibian species than anywhere else in the world. Here in Broward County alone, we have around 500 invasive species which include different types of birds, trees, plants (both aquatic and nonaquatic), reptiles, amphibians, and mammals.   

One of the reasons we have a lot of invasive species in Florida is the same reason why many people vacation and move to Florida. The weather is warm and sunny. The environment here in Florida provides a wonderful habitat for lots of different organisms, not just native ones. Some of the non-native organisms do not need to adapt much to survive in this type of environment making it easy for them to spread and reproduce. Invasive species are a serious issue because these species can invade and disrupt natural ecosystems and lead to a decline in native populations. The issues that arise mainly involve competition between non-native and native species regarding habitat components such as food, water, space, and a place to raise their young.  

Here are a few ways to help prevent the spread of invasive species:  

  • Make sure you plant native plants in your garden  
  • Planting native plants helps to encourage biodiversity within your backyard and benefits native species. Biodiversity helps to increase the longevity and productivity of ecosystems. This can also help to attract more native animal species to your backyard which helps to increase native species populations.   
  • DO NOT release exotic pets  
  • Make sure you do your research before adopting any type of pet, but especially exotic pets. Many of the non-native species that are here in Florida came in through the pet trade and were released into the environment. Instead of releasing, look for other ways to rehome your pets.  
  • Clean your gear and check your clothes  
  • “Hitchhikers” can sometimes sneak a ride on your gear and clothes. So make sure before you leave to check and remove any seeds, plants, and mud that you have accumulated, to help prevent the spread of these nonnative species. Make sure to also properly clean any gear that was used to help prevent the spread of invasive species as well.  

World Whale Day

World Whale Day celebrates the importance of whales and the impact that they have on the overall ecosystem of the ocean. These species have been subject to a decline in population due to many man-made challenges over the years such as an increase in waste production (food, plastics, toxins and chemicals) that get released into the ocean ecosystem. This has had a massive effect on the animals and organisms within the marine ecosystem for different reasons. The biggest reason is the plastics being released into the environment end up either becoming micro-plastics (tiny plastic particles that float around in the water) or end up being ingested by or entangling these organisms. Below is a list of some of the important contributions whales make to our Earth.  

  • Tourism/Economic Growth 
  • Whale-watching tours provide not only entertainment for tourists but also an economic boost for local economies that are dependent on the tourism industry.  
  • Education 
  • Whales have become an area of great interest and importance for scientists in recent years. From the way whales communicate with each other to analyzing and studying the migration patterns, whales have been studied in many ways over the years. This has provided scientists with information to help ensure the health and survival of whales.  
  • Food Chain Stabilization 
  • Food chains within ecosystems rely on balance. Although different species of whale have a very varied diet, the food chain would shift if whales were to suddenly become extinct. This is because the diet of whales is very wide from being top predators (such as Orcas) to eating small organisms at the bottom of the ecosystem (like Blue Whales).  

Sources Used:  

Why Are Whales Important? | Environment and Ecosystem Impact ( 

Whales and the plastics problem | Stories | WWF ( 

WORLD WHALE DAY – February 19, 2023 – National Today 

Florida Hiking Trails Month  

February is Florida Hiking Trails Month which celebrates all the wonderful hiking trails that we have here in Florida. Today I am going to be talking about the Florida Trail specifically which is a 1,500 mile long congressionally designed National Scenic Trail. The Florida Trail is one of 11 National Scenic Trails in the country and one of only 3 National Scenic Trails to be contained within an entire state. National Scenic Trails intend to showcase the locales natural resources and beauty throughout the entirety of the trail while connecting communities, public lands, and significant landmarks. The Florida Trail exhibits many of these sites with both historical and environmental areas included within the trail. 

The Florida Trail throughout its entirety shows off much of the biodiversity, history, and culture that Florida has to offer. The trail itself is broken down into four different sections (Panhandle Region, Northern Region, Central Region, and the Southern Region) with each section of the trail featuring the wide diversity in the state. The length of the trail traverses through the state, providing the user with the opportunity to explore a wide variety of ecological regions from the sandy coastal beaches to the inland wetland areas. The designated trail has trailheads within the Gulf Islands National Seashore to the north and the Big Cypress National Park to the south while traversing through various other parks, private land and greenways throughout the state.  

The Panhandle Region allows for the users to hike through different areas along the Gulf of Mexico in addition to providing hikers with steep ravines through estuaries and boggy areas that host lots of different wildflowers. The Northern Region offers the opportunity to explore flatwood forests and hilly terrain along rivers while traveling past 18th century plantations and civil war battlefields. The Central Region traverses around the greater Orlando area through palmetto and pine flatwoods, Creekside hammocks, rolling sandhills and floodplain forests. The Southern Region of the trail traverses through the Big Cypress National Preserve- trekking through swamps and exploring native American museums and attractions.  

Sources Used:  

National Scenic Trails – National Trails System (U.S. National Park Service) ( 

The Florida Trail by Region – Florida Trail Association 

World Wetlands Day (Feb. 2nd) 

February 2nd is World Wetlands Day- a day to celebrate and recognize the contributions that wetlands provide to the world around us. Not only do wetland areas impact and benefit the animals and organisms that live within the ecosystem, but humans as well. Today I am going to talk about some of the ways that wetland ecosystems contribute and impact our daily lives. In Florida, the Everglades are home to many different ecosystems and contain the largest strand of sawgrass prairie and the largest protected mangrove forest in the northern hemisphere. The Everglades is also the only subtropical wilderness area in North America.  

  • Water Mitigation/Management  

Wetland areas help to regulate and hold water which is very helpful in areas that flood or in areas of high water. The reason for this is because the plants that live within these areas are flood tolerant meaning they can take in a lot of water or are able to live in flooded areas. In Florida this is very beneficial, especially during hurricane season and the summer months when it rains a lot. The plants help to hold and process lots of water through their long root systems. 

  • Water Filtration 

Wetland ecosystems are also responsible for helping to filter water. The way water naturally flows and seeps helps to trap and remove sediment that is contained in the water. Water filtration is an important role of wetlands, especially here in Florida because many individuals in south Florida rely on the Everglades for drinking water. Millions of individuals who reside in south Florida depend on the aquifer that is naturally filled with the runoff from the Everglades.  

  • Biodiversity  

Wetlands help support many different types of species from small insects to big reptiles and everything in between. The diversity of species allows for healthy ecosystems, which is important to the roles (water/air filtration, carbon sequestration) wetlands play. Each organism that makes up this biodiverse ecosystem has very important roles (decomposition, habitat/shelter, and prey/predator relationships) that keep the ecosystem balanced and healthy.  

  • Carbon Sequestration  

Carbon sequestration is the ability of an organism to hold and process carbon. Wetlands collect carbon by gathering carbon in the air through photosynthesis and acting as sediment traps for runoff. Wetlands have been shown to hold large amounts of carbon in the soil because the soil is oxygen-poor and accumulates organic matter. This helps reduce global warming and increase air quality overall. This is important to know because wetlands overall, but especially the Everglades, have been severely impacted by climate change and habitat destruction. This is one more reason to preserve wetlands. 

National Squirrel Day

In honor of national squirrel day on Saturday (January 21st) I am here to share some interesting facts about squirrels and the role they play in the ecosystem. They are not just animals who run around yards stealing nuts and bird seed. Instead, squirrels help to spread seeds around through the nuts and seeds that they eat and store. Their role as seed dispersers in the ecosystem help to create greater biodiversity by dispersing the seeds of many types of plants. Not all the nuts that squirrels collect for the winter months get eaten, so many grow and develop into trees or other types of plants.  

  • There are over 100 species of squirrels around the world  
  • Squirrels inhabit almost all the continents of the world- except for Antartica  
  • Squirrels are easily adaptable to different environments allowing them to continue population growth with rapid urbanization occurring worldwide  
  • Squirrels can jump 10 times their body length  
  • Squirrels can fall from high areas (100 ft) and not injure themselves  
  • This is because when falling, squirrels will use their tails as parachutes  
  • During winter months, squirrels can find their buried food underneath a foot of snow  
  • Squirrels eat their own body weight each week  
  • Squirrels can run up to 20mph  
  • Squirrels are double-jointed and can turn their ankles 180 degrees  
  • This helps them efficiently move up and down trees to escape predators  
  • Squirrels will occasionally pretend to hide food to stop other animals from stealing their food  

Winter Break Camp

These past two weeks have been full of campers as we hosted our Camp Wild program during winter break. Our first week was focused on animals around the world. Each day we picked a different region around the world and learned about the animals that live within that region and the adaptations they have. The campers were able to meet a box turtle, ball python, and bearded dragon during this week and learn about the specific adaptations they have for their native environment. In addition, we also played fun games like sharks and minnows, red light, green light, and “What time is it Mr. Fox?”. We explored our property daily with favorite activities like bug hunting and visiting the many non-releasable animals in our exhibit area.

Ecosystem engineers was the theme for the second week during which we explored how different animals and organisms influence and impact the ecosystems where they live and the roles they play in their communities like predator, prey and keystone species. This week brought about more animal visits with Drumstick our gopher tortoise, one of our resident American alligators, and our resident screech owl, Ewok, and discussions regarding why these species are important and how we can help to protect them. We introduced a new game that emphasized the importance of all animal roles within an ecosystem.

Camp Wild is an environmental day camp operated for the past 17 years at Sawgrass Nature Center and Wildlife Hospital that provides opportunities for campers to explore the great outdoors and learn about the natural world. Our camps are geared toward campers between the ages of 6 –12 years old and provide opportunities for learning, fun, and socialization outside of school. Join us at our next camp session, Spring Break, beginning March 20th. See our website,, for more information.

Migration Season

Migration is a bi-annual occurrence where various species migrate to colder or warmer climates depending on the time of year. These migratory animals tend to travel north in the springtime to have cooler weather and south in the wintertime to have warmer weather. This natural adaptation helps these animals survive throughout the year. Rather than adapting to the environment they live in, they instead have adapted to migrate thousands of miles a year to ensure survival. This provides them with a wider habitat range and more access to necessary resources for survival but also poses issues as well. Migration requires a lot of energy and can be a very vulnerable time for these species. Part of the reason you see migration occurring in big groups for some species is that this adaptation offers protection and motivation for individuals to keep moving. To help protect and ensure safety during migration, whenever stops are made along the trek, spots are scouted out to ensure the safety and availability of resources to all who are traveling. Protection is also a consideration when migrating in the way these animals present themselves while traveling. Sometimes the shape and form they present while travelling works to protect the most vulnerable of the species to ensure their survival by placing the strongest individuals on the outside to fight off any predators or dangers they might encounter during their journey.  

The routes used by these migratory species (specifically bird species) have been studied for years by scientists and have been categorized as flyways. The four flyways here in the US are the Pacific, Central, Mississippi, and Atlantic. These flyway routes follow the topographical features of the United States in a north-to-south direction. The main flyway routes listed above are mapped and dependent upon the boundaries on either side- mountain ranges, ocean, etc. Here in Florida, we are a part of the Atlantic flyway system that follows the natural coastline of the Atlantic spanning from the Bahamas to the tip of Maine. This is a unique and somewhat treacherous flyway system because this system encompasses and spans some of the most productive ecosystems in the northern hemisphere as well as housing about 1/3rd of the country’s human population. This flyway system includes coastal habitats, forested areas, and wetland areas throughout the journey.  

Animals that Migrate to Florida:  

  • Leatherback Sea Turtle  
  • Loggerhead Sea Turtle  
  • Green Sea Turtle 
  • Canada Goose 
  • Cooper’s Hawk  
  • Great Blue Heron  
  • Great Egret  
  • Mallard  
  • Common Loon 
  • Mourning Dove 
  • Painted Bunting  
  • Sandhill Crane  
  • Short-tailed Hawk  
  • Turkey Vulture  
  • Wood Duck 
  • Manatees  
  • Snook 
  • North Atlantic Right Whale  
  • Hoary Bats  
  • Eastern Red Bats  

Sources Used:  

Five migrating species to watch for this winter | Florida State Parks 

Bird Migration Explorer ( 

Long-Distance Ocean Travels | National Geographic Society 

North American Bird Migration: The 4 Flyways ( 

Atlantic Flyway | Audubon 

Fall Break Camp Wild

This past week we hosted our Camp Wild program during the fall break. The theme was focused on our feathery friends, birds, and their various attributes and characteristics, different species, and how they are adapted to live within their unique habitats. We had a very successful week filled with lots of fun crafts and activities based on the theme of the week. While learning about the different types of nests birds build, the campers discovered that not all nests were woven of twigs and grass, but some were underground like the Burrowing Owl’s.  The campers created their own owl burrows out of cardboard tubes, cotton balls, tape, and markers based on what they learned in this lesson as well as other fun including activities on different beak types and other adaptations of birds. The campers also had the opportunity to interact with our permanent animal residents both in our exhibit area and through animal ambassador visits to camp. 

Camp Wild is an environmental day camp operated for the past 17 years at Sawgrass Nature Center and Wildlife Hospital that provides opportunities for campers to explore the great outdoors and learn about the nature world. Our camps are geared toward campers between the ages of 6 –12 years old and provide opportunities for learning, fun, and socialization outside of school.  Join us at our next camp session, Winter Break, beginning December 26. See our website,, for more information.