Buzzing with Excitement: Celebrating Pollinators this June

By: Roksanna Keyvan

The month of June is dedicated to celebrating our friendly and essential garden helpers – and
no we are not talking about garden gnomes! During this time, we celebrate and raise
awareness about the incredible creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem – pollinators.
Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of pollinators, their importance, and how we can
all contribute to their conservation.

  1. The Buzz About Pollinators:
    Pollinators play a very important role in our ecosystems by moving pollen between plants and
    ensuring their reproduction and the production of fruits, vegetables, and seeds. They play a
    crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, supporting the growth of native plants, and providing
    habitat and food for countless other species. Pollinators also play a prominent role in
    contributing to the continued growth of crops and agriculture which helps to feed and sustain
    millions across the world. The most popular pollinator is the bee, however, pollinators also
    include butterflies, birds, bats, and beetles.
  2. Threats to Pollinators:
    Pollinators face numerous challenges. Habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, human
    development, and diseases are all factors threatening pollinator populations. By understanding
    these challenges, we can take action to protect and restore pollinator habitats and promote
    more sustainable and pollinator-friendly practices.
  3. Creating Pollinator-Friendly Spaces:
    We can all contribute to pollinator conservation by creating pollinator-friendly spaces in our
    gardens, balconies, and communities. Planting native flowering plants, providing nesting sites,
    and avoiding the use of harmful pesticides are simple yet impactful steps we can take to support
  4. Pollinators and the Sawgrass Nature Center
    The Sawgrass Nature Center prides itself as a safe haven for pollinators, boasting numerous
    pollinator-friendly spaces throughout the facility. If you would like to join the pollinator festivities
    this month, come visit our gorgeous and lush butterfly gardens, filled with vibrant species of host
    and nectar plants which feed many of our native butterflies and other pollinator friends. Or
    perhaps, take a visit to the apiary enclosure where you can see our honeybees at work. All of
    our pollinators are very eager to meet new faces and help spread awareness about their vital
    roles in the world, so be sure to stop by and say hello!
    Pollinator Week is a time to celebrate and appreciate the invaluable role of pollinators in our
    world.It is also an excellent opportunity to spread awareness about the importance of pollinators
    and their conservation. Through educational activities, social media campaigns, and community
    events, we can inspire others to take action and become stewards of pollinators in their own
    lives. Let’s embrace Pollinator Week as an opportunity to take action and be part of the solution.
    Be sure to visit the Sawgrass Nature Center to visit some of our pollinator friends and learn
    more about what they do first-hand. Happy Pollinator Month!

For more information on pollinators: