June 16, 2023 = World Sea Turtle Day

By Roksanna Keyvan

Celebrating World Sea Turtle Day!

Existing on Earth for hundreds of millions of years, it comes as no surprise that sea turtles are deserving of their own national day.  Turtles play an essential role in marine ecosystems, where they help to maintain the health of coral reefs and seagrass beds.  Unfortunately, nearly every species of sea turtle is endangered due to entanglement in marine debris, destruction of habitats, and hunting for their meat and eggs. 

South Florida is no stranger to native sea turtle populations, with local species including the Loggerhead, the Green Turtle, the Leatherback, the Kemp’s Ridley, and the Hawksbill.  Although Florida is renowned for its wetland areas, sea turtles do not live in the brackish marsh waters of the Everglades.  Rather, they can be found creating nests in the sands of the beaches or swimming just off the coast.

World Sea Turtle Day, founded on world-renowned  sea turtle expert Doctor Andrew Carr’s birthday, recognizes the dangers that sea turtles face and works to encourage others to fight against them.  By advocating for sea turtle conservation, sea turtles can safely swim away from a future of imminent extinction. Globally, efforts have been undertaken to conserve and recover sea turtle populations through research, education, advocacy and protection of the natural habitats upon which they depend.

To get involved in sea turtle conservation efforts in Florida, check out the Sea Turtle Conservancy in Gainesville.  https://conserveturtles.org/sea-turtle-conservancy/

For more information on Florida sea turtles: https://myfwc.com/research/wildlife/sea-turtles/florida/species/