Buzzing with Excitement: Celebrating Pollinators this June

By: Roksanna Keyvan

The month of June is dedicated to celebrating our friendly and essential garden helpers – and
no we are not talking about garden gnomes! During this time, we celebrate and raise
awareness about the incredible creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem – pollinators.
Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of pollinators, their importance, and how we can
all contribute to their conservation.

  1. The Buzz About Pollinators:
    Pollinators play a very important role in our ecosystems by moving pollen between plants and
    ensuring their reproduction and the production of fruits, vegetables, and seeds. They play a
    crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, supporting the growth of native plants, and providing
    habitat and food for countless other species. Pollinators also play a prominent role in
    contributing to the continued growth of crops and agriculture which helps to feed and sustain
    millions across the world. The most popular pollinator is the bee, however, pollinators also
    include butterflies, birds, bats, and beetles.
  2. Threats to Pollinators:
    Pollinators face numerous challenges. Habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, human
    development, and diseases are all factors threatening pollinator populations. By understanding
    these challenges, we can take action to protect and restore pollinator habitats and promote
    more sustainable and pollinator-friendly practices.
  3. Creating Pollinator-Friendly Spaces:
    We can all contribute to pollinator conservation by creating pollinator-friendly spaces in our
    gardens, balconies, and communities. Planting native flowering plants, providing nesting sites,
    and avoiding the use of harmful pesticides are simple yet impactful steps we can take to support
  4. Pollinators and the Sawgrass Nature Center
    The Sawgrass Nature Center prides itself as a safe haven for pollinators, boasting numerous
    pollinator-friendly spaces throughout the facility. If you would like to join the pollinator festivities
    this month, come visit our gorgeous and lush butterfly gardens, filled with vibrant species of host
    and nectar plants which feed many of our native butterflies and other pollinator friends. Or
    perhaps, take a visit to the apiary enclosure where you can see our honeybees at work. All of
    our pollinators are very eager to meet new faces and help spread awareness about their vital
    roles in the world, so be sure to stop by and say hello!
    Pollinator Week is a time to celebrate and appreciate the invaluable role of pollinators in our
    world.It is also an excellent opportunity to spread awareness about the importance of pollinators
    and their conservation. Through educational activities, social media campaigns, and community
    events, we can inspire others to take action and become stewards of pollinators in their own
    lives. Let’s embrace Pollinator Week as an opportunity to take action and be part of the solution.
    Be sure to visit the Sawgrass Nature Center to visit some of our pollinator friends and learn
    more about what they do first-hand. Happy Pollinator Month!

For more information on pollinators:

Celebrating World Rainforest Day: Preserving and Embracing Our Green Lungs

By Roksanna Keyvan

As environmental conservation continues to be a growing topic of interest, we gather today to celebrate World Rainforest Day.  This annual occasion recognizes the immeasurable value of rainforests and the urgent need to protect these precious ecosystems.  Rainforests maintain a vital role in sustaining life on Earth:

  1. The Lungs of the Earth

Rainforests are often referred to as the “lungs of the Earth” due their significant role in regulating the planet’s climate.  These lush green expanses inhale vast amounts of carbon dioxide and exhale life-giving oxygen, playing a crucial part in mitigating climate change. By absorbing and storing carbon, rainforests help combat global warming, making them essential allies in our battle against environmental crises.

  1. Biodiversity Like Never Before

Rainforests are teeming with an array of plant and animal species.  These biodiversity hotspots house an estimated 50% of the world’s terrestrial species.  Familiar faces in this web of life include vibrant tropical birds, jungle cats, insect communities, and towering trees with magnificent flowers.  However, according to the Rainforest Action Network, 137 species per day are going extinct in the world’s tropical rainforests. World Rainforest Day encourages us to cherish this diversity and work towards its conservation.

  1. Guardians of the Ecosystem

Rainforests provide essential ecosystem services that benefit both local communities and the global population.  They regulate water cycles, prevent soil erosion, and act as natural filters, purifying the water and air.  Rainforest-derived products, such as timber, fruits, and medicinal plants, sustain livelihoods and offer economic opportunities. Recognizing and valuing these services is crucial for the sustainable management of rainforest resources, especially since rainforests continually face numerous threats, including deforestation, illegal logging, agriculture expansion, and climate change.

Human activity not only destroys these invaluable habitats, home to millions of species, but also disrupts global ecosystems, putting millions at risk. Fortunately, dedicated individuals, organizations, and governments are working tirelessly to protect and restore rainforests. World Rainforest Day sheds light on these conservation efforts and encourages individuals to support initiatives that promote sustainability and forest conservation. 

In honor of these environmental guardians, let us show our gratitude by becoming guardians for these remarkable ecosystems.  Whether it’s reducing our carbon footprint, supporting local communities, or advocating for responsible forestry practices, each action contributes to the preservation of rainforests and the well-being of our planet. Let us stand united in our commitment to safeguard the magnificence of rainforests for future generations to cherish and appreciate. Happy World Rainforest Day!

To learn more or get involved please visit:

Celebrating World Crocodile Day (June 17): Guardians of the Wetlands

By Roksanna Keyvan

On June 17, the nation celebrates World Crocodile Day, a date celebrating a creature that has roamed our planet for millions of years.  Here in South Florida, we also have a distant cousin of the crocodile that is beloved throughout the Everglades, the alligator.  With both species of reptile existing for millions of years, it seems only proper to bring up the age-old debate of alligators versus crocodiles.  While they may seem like similar creatures at first glance, these toothy wonders have some distinct differences that are helpful to recognize.  In honor of World Crocodile day, we will have a reptilian showdown.

  1. Distinct Smiles and Measurements

Let’s start with their signature feature – their smiles!  Alligators have a wide U-shaped snout, while crocodiles sport a more V-shaped snout.  They may look charming, but don’t be fooled by their grins.  In fact, their grins hold another secret about how to tell them apart.  When an alligator’s mouth is closed, only their top row of teeth will be visible.  However, when a crocodile’s mouth is closed, both top and bottom rows of teeth are visible to the eye.  Another way to tell them apart is by size.  Crocodiles tend to be on the larger side, with some individuals stretching up to 20 feet in length!  Alligators tend to be more stocky, with the largest individuals reaching around 13-15 feet in length.

  1. It’s Always See You Later Alligator, but never ’Where?’

When it comes to geography, alligators hang out in freshwater habitats like swamps and marshes.  Typically, alligators are only found in the Americas and parts of the Caribbean.  Crocodiles, however, inhabit both freshwater and saltwater environments across the world.  One cool thing about Florida, particularly Florida bay, however, is that it is the only place in the world where both crocodiles and alligators can be found in the same habitat!

  1. Ecological Importance

Both reptiles play a crucial role in maintaining the balance and health of their ecosystems.  As apex predators, they help regulate populations of other species and contribute to nutrient cycling through their feeding habits.  Alligators, however, play a unique and significant role – particularly within the Everglades of Florida.  Alligators are a keystone species, meaning they are an essential and integral species to the ecosystem in which they inhabit.  Alligators maintain the delicate balance of Florida’s wetland habitats by digging alligator holes, depressions in the ground which serve as critical water sources during dry periods and provide sanctuaries for aquatic life, such as fish, turtles, and other animals.  The key to protecting our keystone species is conservation!

Crocodiles and gators are not just fearsome reptiles; they are ecological stewards and cultural icons.  Despite their distinct differences, the protection of both of these creatures is essential for preserving the overall biodiversity and ecological integrity of their habitats.  Threats such as habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and illegal hunting pose significant challenges to the survival of these species.  World Crocodile Day provides a platform to raise awareness, support these initiatives, and advocate for stronger conservation measures.  As we continue to celebrate World Crocodile Day, it is important to remember the importance of these reptilian wonders and work towards ensuring their continued protection and conservation through initiatives that spread awareness and educate others.  It seems only fitting to end the blog with a few words, “In a while, Crocodile”.

June 16, 2023 = World Sea Turtle Day

By Roksanna Keyvan

Celebrating World Sea Turtle Day!

Existing on Earth for hundreds of millions of years, it comes as no surprise that sea turtles are deserving of their own national day.  Turtles play an essential role in marine ecosystems, where they help to maintain the health of coral reefs and seagrass beds.  Unfortunately, nearly every species of sea turtle is endangered due to entanglement in marine debris, destruction of habitats, and hunting for their meat and eggs. 

South Florida is no stranger to native sea turtle populations, with local species including the Loggerhead, the Green Turtle, the Leatherback, the Kemp’s Ridley, and the Hawksbill.  Although Florida is renowned for its wetland areas, sea turtles do not live in the brackish marsh waters of the Everglades.  Rather, they can be found creating nests in the sands of the beaches or swimming just off the coast.

World Sea Turtle Day, founded on world-renowned  sea turtle expert Doctor Andrew Carr’s birthday, recognizes the dangers that sea turtles face and works to encourage others to fight against them.  By advocating for sea turtle conservation, sea turtles can safely swim away from a future of imminent extinction. Globally, efforts have been undertaken to conserve and recover sea turtle populations through research, education, advocacy and protection of the natural habitats upon which they depend.

To get involved in sea turtle conservation efforts in Florida, check out the Sea Turtle Conservancy in Gainesville.

For more information on Florida sea turtles:

Celebrating World Oceans Day: Preserving Our Blue Planet

By Roksanna Keyvan

Covering more than 70% of Earth’s surface, oceans play a vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate, providing oxygen, and supporting countless species.  On June 8th each year, we come together to celebrate World Oceans Day, a global event dedicated to honoring and preserving our magnificent oceans and their precious ecosystems. 

  1. Earth’s Blue Guardian & A Haven of Biodiversity

South Florida’s coastal areas are vibrant ecosystems that support an astonishing array of marine life.  From the coral reefs teeming with colorful fish to the mangrove forests that serve as nurseries for countless species, the ocean nurtures a haven of biodiversity.  Beyond supporting Florida ecosystems, oceans are the lifeblood of Earth, influencing weather patterns, removing harmful gasses from the atmosphere, and providing a source of sustenance for millions of people.   Furthermore, the oceans offer a source of continuous inspiration and recreation. However, pollution, overfishing, climate change, habitat destruction, and other human activity continue to threaten these fragile ecosystems.

  1. Taking Action through Education, Awareness, and Sustainable Practices

Conservation efforts are crucial in ensuring the long-term health and resilience of our oceans.  World’s Oceans Day encourages us to take proactive steps such as reducing single-use plastics, minimizing our ecological footprints, supporting sustainable fishing practices, participating in beach clean-ups, and advocating for marine protected areas.  Education plays a particularly significant role in awareness efforts amplifying the impact of conservation efforts and inspiring others to join the cause.

  1. Empowering Our Coastal Communities Through Preservation

South Florida’s coastal communities are intricately linked to the ocean.  The livelihoods of fishermen, divers, and tourism-dependent businesses rely on healthy ocean ecosystems. Fostering an understanding of our interconnectedness with the ocean will allow us to cultivate a new generation of ocean advocates.  By supporting sustainable tourism, advocating for responsible fishing practices, and championing the interests of these communities, we can ensure a harmonious balance between human activities and the health of our oceans.

Together, we can become the driving force behind positive change, both locally and globally.  Let this day be a reminder of our duty to preserve the wonders of our ocean and inspire others to join us on this journey of conservation.  Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter, sustainable future for South Florida and beyond.

World Reef Awareness Day (June 1st)  

World Reef Awareness Day promotes the importance of reef ecosystems around the world. The coral reef ecosystem is extremely diverse and provides habitat and natural resources for many different species including turtles, anemones, fish, and crabs. Coral reefs are also a fragile ecosystem that have been on the decline due in part to human actions such as: 

  •  Coral mining – the act of removing coral from the ecosystem for other uses such as building materials and road fill. This has many damaging effects on the ecosystem from the methods used to the loss of both habitat and biodiversity within the ecosystem. 
  •  Overfishing – the act of removing more fish or organisms from the population than the population can produce. This has led to a decline of populations and species within the ecosystem which forces competition among the ecosystem due to a lack of resources available. 
  •  Coral bleaching – a result of warmer temperatures (caused by global warming) which cause algae that live in the coral to leave due to stress. Coral has a symbiotic relationship with algae where the coral depends on the algae for food; without the algae (their food source) the coral becomes white since the algae give the coral its color and becomes more susceptible to disease. 

These actions have a negative effect on the health of the ecosystem itself, which in turn impacts the health of other ecosystems as well. This is because the coral reef ecosystem is interconnected with other ecosystems such as coastal ecosystems and ocean ecosystems by providing habitat for organisms or protecting these ecosystems from damage and degradation. The decline of coral reefs also impacts humans since coral reefs help the integrity of coastal regions which protect coastal areas from decline, flooding, and tidal waves by supporting foundations and decreasing the impact the wave comes to shore by acting as a wall below the surface. Coral reefs also do a lot of carbon sequestration or holding of carbon since coral takes in and stores carbon dioxide.  

Development in coastal areas and pollution have also had effects on coral reef ecosystems both directly and indirectly. Directly, development has either removed parts of the coral reef or caused the degradation of the ecosystem. This has also directly affected the organisms within the ecosystem as well due to habitat loss. Indirectly, debris and pollution that contaminate the ecosystem have damaging and long-lasting effects on the ecosystem.  

While all of this may seem dire, there are things being done daily to help reverse the damage that has been done. This includes replanting coral and restoring coral, setting up protected coastal and marine areas to help prevent any further loss or damage of these natural ecosystems, as well as educating the public and helping raise awareness of the importance of these ecosystems.  

Sources Used:  

What Is Coral Mining And What Can We Do To Fight It? – ReefCause 

What is coral bleaching? (