Native Trees of Florida! 

For hundreds of millions of years, trees have been an essential part of the Earth’s environment. From a very young age, we are taught about the importance of trees and all the services they provide. However, many people are not aware of the different “categories” of trees or which kinds of trees belong in different places. In many parts of the world, there are trees, bushes, insects, reptiles, mammals, and all sorts of other organisms that live somewhere where they are not considered native. Being “native” to an area means that the organism originated there and belongs in that area permanently. A “non-native” organism is one that lives in an area in which it does not belong and was brought there by unnatural means. Some of these means include trees brought to Florida for aesthetic landscaping purposes, even though the species did not originate here. The state of Florida is, unfortunately, one of the areas of the world that is riddled with non-native species. This highlights the importance of getting to know the native species of Florida! 

Florida has over 300 native tree species, which is more than almost every other state in the U.S. This is a very wide-ranging list because of the many different ecosystem types found in Florida. There are three mangrove species found in Florida: the red, black, and white mangrove trees, many of these populations being found in the Florida Keys. There are also many tree species found in the Everglades, including Cypress trees like the bald cypress and pond cypress species, or the hardwood hammocks. In other parts of Florida, there are countless pine tree species like the longleaf, shortleaf, sand, slash, and spruce pines. There are also many different oak tree species found native to Florida like the Red, White, Live, and Shumard oaks. All these tree species are just a fraction of the number of native tree species found in Florida and each of them plays a niche role in the ecosystem, upholding the biodiversity of the beautiful state.  

Trees offer many natural services for humans including things like shade and air filtration. They can also have positive impacts on longevity and cause a decrease in stress levels in humans who spend time around them. Additionally, native trees also help ensure Florida’s environment is kept natural and preserved for as long as possible. Trees also store carbon and use carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) to produce oxygen. By absorbing water through their roots and releasing it as water vapor (evapotranspiration), trees cool the air around them.  By preserving native tree species, other animals and organisms in the environment are positively impacted because of the availability of natural resources like food, water, and habitats that are provided to them. One of the best ways you can incorporate more native Florida species into the environment is by bringing some native trees into your own backyard. Many of these tree species act as great outlets for landscaping, offering a variety of different types and sizes to fit almost any area. Because they are native and adapted to the Florida environment, they require less maintenance and are resistant to most diseases and pests. 

May 16th is National Love a Tree Day so make sure to get outside, show some appreciation for trees around you, and maybe plant a native Florida tree! 

National Windmill Day (May 9th)

One of the biggest challenges facing today’s climate worldwide is the hunt for clean, renewable energy sources. For centuries, the environment has been degraded through fossil fuel energy systems. Fossil fuels are substances formed from geologic fossils that can be burned to create energy. These include things like coal and gas. When burned at such large quantities, like they are in the U.S., these fossil fuels create a large problem for the earth’s climate and natural environment all around us. In short, the extensive use of fossil fuels for energy emits large amounts of dangerous gases into the air, causing the atmosphere to rise in temperature. The use of fossil fuels has had a significant impact on the nature and wildlife of the world that we know and love.  

However, in 1970, a multiple century-old tool was repurposed to counteract this impact. Windmills have been around since 500-900 A.D. From then and throughout much of the 18th and 19th centuries, windmills were used for pumping water, processing grain, and other agricultural purposes. Windmills were originally constructed out of wood and were much less powerful than the windmills we know today. It wasn’t until the 12th century that these useful structures were built out of brick or stone, making them much studier and dynamic. Fast forward to the 20th century, windmills were being restructured to start producing energy! This was a great achievement and had lasting positive effects on the environment. Windmills can now be used to cultivate clean energy, a type of energy that does not produce any harmful or dangerous byproducts. Windmills do have some drawbacks. Because of their immense size, they can create noise and visual pollution, being a sort of eyesore to local people. Windmills also rely on clear weather to function, which can mean that wind power cannot be generated 24/7.  Despite these faults, windmills have lots of advantages for clean energy. Homes, businesses, and even entire towns and cities can be powered from wind energy with little negative impact on the environment. In the modern world, these energy efficient windmills are known as wind turbines.  

Every year, the second Saturday of May is National Windmill Day, this year being celebrated on May 11th. This provides us with an opportunity to appreciate windmills and the wonderous tools they are, while advocating for their use all around the world. There are more than 57,000 wind turbines in the U.S. today.  

To celebrate National Windmill Day, here are some fun facts about windmills to tell a friend! 

  • Most wind turbines in the world turn in a clockwise direction and some scientists now suggest that the direction of the turn can generate more wind power in some cases. 
  • Some of the oldest windmills still existing are in the Netherlands.  
  • One strong windmill can power up to 500 individual homes! 

World Tuna Day (May 2nd)

Tuna has become an important part of many cultures because of its popularity in recipes all around the world. However, due to an increased demand for this fish, tuna stocks worldwide have been decreasing. World Tuna Day, celebrated on May 2nd every year, seeks to recognize this, and brings awareness to this crisis. Tuna has been fished for thousands of years, but recently there has been an increase in fishing that has left many fish populations at a net loss. One of these populations is tuna. This is happening to meet the high demand for tuna around the world. Intense fishing like this, as we have seen recently, is not sustainable for these populations. This practice does not allow the tuna population to bounce back or maintain their numbers that allow them to continue growing. World Tuna Day focuses on shining a light on this topic and keeping the public up to date on fisheries and fishing practices. Education cultivated by World Tuna Day Tuna Day can foster change and create more sustainable practices to ensure the survival of remaining populations. Much has already been done to combat this issue through restrictive fishing and licensing, management of gear that is used, tracking of fish population numbers, and designated protected marine areas. All these practices have helped eliminate overfishing, protect fish habitats, and prevent the use of harmful gear on fish, other organisms, and select habitats. Additionally, lots of support has been generated to educate the public and fisheries about more sustainable practices to ensure job security while also protecting the environment.

False Map Turtles

This false map turtle, Lilly, is in our visitor’s center.

The false map turtle (sometimes called the sawback turtle) is often found in rivers and large creeks that contain vegetation. They rely on this vegetation for food as they are omnivores. In addition to eating small amounts of vegetation, you will find them eating mollusks, different types of bug larvae, beetles, and flies. The range of the false map turtle is primarily east of the Rocky Mountains with sightings found mainly around offsets the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. However, with the release of people’s pets, these turtles can be spotted up into Canada and down into Mexico. This species is just one of 14 species of map turtles, with many of these species being popular as house pets. Map turtles in general will be found in freshwater ecosystems which include rivers, lakes, ponds, and wetland areas. Like other types of turtle species, map turtles are communal and rely on each other to help watch for predators. Due to this, you will often see turtles grouped on rocks basking in the sun. Animals such as raccoons, red foxes, otters, crows, grackles, bass, and catfish are just some of the predators that will try to attack map turtles and their nests. To avoid predators, turtles will quickly flee from the area when approached. While they often don’t bite, they will if they feel threatened. When handled, it is important to note they will also empty their bladder in defense, so be careful.

The only species of map turtle native to Florida is the Barbour’s map turtle. It is listed as Threatened in Florida due to various human-generated threats including habitat loss and chemical pollution in water systems. An action plan has been put in place as of 2013 to help improve the conservation status of the Barbour’s map turtle. It is illegal to take, possess, or sell these turtles in Florida.

Happy Earth Day!  

Earth Day is celebrated every year in April to celebrate nature and its beauty and bring awareness to environmental concerns ongoing worldwide. Earth Day serves as a way for individuals globally to re-connect with nature and provides opportunities for people to get outside and educate themselves within their communities. Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day dedicated to education about environmental issues as a response to the environmental crisis and spread to become a global movement for climate action. Earth Day continues to bring awareness of environmental issues including climate change, air quality, invasive species, and species population decline both locally and globally.

Here in Florida, there is a lot of work being done to help stop the decline of native animal populations by helping protect and restore native habitats for these species, working to study and manage non-native and invasive species throughout the state and decrease the impact urban development has had on native habitats. This includes working to protect and restore the Everglades, one of the largest wetlands in North America that provides clean drinking water for millions of people and habitats for over 2000 species of plants and animals including birds, turtles, and alligators. Currently, the Everglades is around a third of its original size with much of its flow inhibited by previous dredging and draining to allow for urban development.

Ways to Celebrate Earth Day:

Look around your community for local events

Often local communities or businesses will host events around this time to celebrate nature and Earth Day

Visit a local nature center or natural area

Around local communities there are areas and centers that serve to educate and assist native populations in these communities year-round

Explore outdoor areas

Take a hike

Poison vs Venom  

While the words venom and poison may often be used interchangeably, they do in fact mean two different things. Poison and venom are both substances that can be lethal or irritating to organisms when they are encountered. These substances contain toxins that are stored in various organs or structures of the organism. Poison is a substance that can be lethal when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. Venom is produced by the organism and is then injected into the bloodstream of its prey through a bite or sting. 

Even if an animal is venomous, they do not always inject venom when they bite or sting. Venom takes time and energy for the organism to produce so it is beneficial for the venomous organism to use it wisely. Venomous animals will often exhibit “dry bites” that are offered as a warning for offending organisms to stay away.  

While poisonous organisms cannot control the amount of poison delivered since they do not inject it, they do often display warning colors such as bright red, orange, yellow, and blue (known as aposematism) that act as a warning to potential predators. Since poison can be held and secreted through structures on the organism’s body, it is important to wear proper protection when interacting with them.  

Here in Florida, we have a variety of venomous and poisonous plants and animals. We have venomous snakes, spiders, insects, fish and poisonous toads and plants. When you encounter an organism that is venomous or poisonous, it is important to keep your distance and do not interact with organisms if possible. If you do need to remove the organism, take proper precautions, or call a professional. If you are bitten by a venomous snake or spider or have a negative reaction to a poison, remain calm and seek medical attention ASAP. 

The Solar Eclipse

On April 8th this year there will be a total solar eclipse. The last total solar eclipse occurred in 2017 and lasted for around 2 minutes. The solar eclipse this year is predicted to last around 4 ½ minutes almost double the time of the last one. The solar eclipse occurs when the moon orbits in the sun’s path at the right angle where it appears to cover it. Depending on where you are on the planet, the moon might appear to completely cover the sun. This leads to a temporary darkness that will last for a varying amount of time depending on where in the country you are and where on the path you are. The path of totality this year will pass through Mexico then come through the US from Texas all the way to Maine then continues into the eastern part of Canada. Below is a link to the path of totality so you can see where you are in the path. Here in Florida, we are unfortunately out of the path of totality, but we will still be able to experience a partial solar eclipse. Below is a list of how to prepare if you are planning on watching the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th.

Cultural Significance

Ancient cultures came up with stories and myths to help explain the phenomena of the solar eclipse which have continued to be shared even today. From a bear walking along the Milky Way (used by the Poma tribe) to Ra (the Egyptian sun god) being chased by his nemesis, a snake, these stories have been passed down and told for generations to explain and celebrate this natural phenomenon. Many religions around the world have also found ways to explain the solar eclipse by viewing it as a message from God or viewing it as a spiritual time. Some cultures and religions saw this time as a test or a reminder from their God or gods intended to scare them while others saw it as a time for spirituality or reflection.

Ways to Prepare:

  • Get eye protection
    • When staring at the solar eclipse, it is important to remember you are still staring at the sun and will need special eyewear to directly watch the solar eclipse- SUNGLASSES ARE NOT PROTECTIVE ENOUGH
    • You can find different ways to make your own at-home eye protection with cereal boxes and tin foil or other household items online
      • Here is a link for an example of homemade solar eclipse glasses/viewers
  • Know the time of the eclipse
    • Due to the rotation of the Earth within the path of totality, make sure you know the time that the solar eclipse will be occurring in your area.

Solar Eclipse Path of Totality Map:

Total solar eclipse April 8, 2024: Path, time and the best places to view – ABC News (

2024 Solar Eclipse Map: Path of Totality and More – The New York Times (

Manatee Appreciation Day (Mar. 27th)  

Of all the animals here in Florida, one of the more notable species is the manatee. Manatee Appreciation Day is celebrated on the last Wednesday in March to raise awareness of their role in the ecosystem and conservation efforts in place to help with the challenges these animals face. Manatees are mammals that live in many aquatic ecosystems. These animals rely on seagrass communities for their food. Since these communities are declining worldwide, the manatee populations have suffered due to a lack of natural resources. These seagrass communities not only help manatee populations, but other organisms including octopi, sea turtles, shrimp, crabs, and oysters utilize these areas for food, shelter, and even nurseries. Seagrass also helps to protect coastal areas from erosion which helps protect houses and coastal developments. Manatees help protect the health of this ecosystem by eating and maintaining the growth of the grass.  

This decline in natural resources is not the only thing that has been negatively impacting the manatee population. Human impacts such as boating-related accidents and water pollution have harmed individual animals and the ecosystem where they live.  Boaters often will not see these animals in shallow areas or disregard signage indicating the presence of these animals or mandatory speed limits.  Conservation organizations are working hard to improve the ecosystems for manatees, clean up water pollution, and educate the public about manatees and the value they provide.  

Things you can do to help manatees: 

  • Obey all speed zone signs and look out for manatees when boating. 
  • Dispose of your trash properly. 
  • Support conservation organizations 
  • Participate in coastal cleanup events. 
  • Attend boating safety classes or take online courses. 

International Day of Forests (Mar. 21st)


International Day of Forests celebrates the importance of forests and the important roles they play for various organisms and ecosystems worldwide. This date was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests. Forests provide habitat and food for many of the world’s organisms including birds, snakes, turtles, insects, and plants. Forests are also known for their ability to filter out CO2 from the atmosphere and produce oxygen. The Amazon Rainforest, which some have called the lungs of the Earth, produces around 20% of the Earth’s oxygen supply. Forests are valuable for the wellbeing of the world around us and the biodiversity of organisms on the planet. However, there has been in recent years concern with the alarming rate at which we are losing hectares of forests annually.  

Forest Loss 

The loss of forests around the world has been due to a variety of things including deforestation and an increase in forest fires. Around 10 million hectares of land are lost annually due to deforestation and around 70 million are being affected by fires annually. Deforestation worldwide is due to an increase in urban development, farming, and agricultural land to meet the demands of an exponentially growing population. Forest fires are common in these ecosystems, however in the past couple decades, an increased number of forests have been affecting these ecosystems greatly. A decrease in forest management (which includes fires) has led to larger and less controlled fires. Innovation has been done to develop early warning systems, empowering Indigenous voices worldwide through land mapping and climate finance access, and sustainable production of the good and services that come from forests (lumber, coffee, fruit, etc.).  


Worldwide there are around 600 different species of rays. The ray species is comprised of many different types of organisms including stingrays, skates, manta rays, and sawfishes. These fish species are often found in more temperate parts of the ocean, brackish water, and even freshwater. Stingrays are known as benthic fish, or fish that tend to stay at or around the bottom of their habitats. They will spend a lot of their time partially buried in the sand for protection. Stingrays are known for their ability to use the serrated edges and sharp points on their spines (barbs) for hunting and protection. The underside of the spines of some stingray species can produce venom which is used to hunt prey and protect themselves. Around 70 different stingray species can also produce an electrical discharge through their barb which also helps with hunting and protection by stunning their prey or predator. These animals can be found feeding on organisms like crustaceans, small fish, snails, clams, shrimp, and other small creatures often on the bottom of bodies of water. Since rays are known for being long and flat, they swim in a more unique way. They will either ungulate their bodies like a wave or flap the sides of their bodies like wings. Different species of stingrays have varying home ranges and distribution patterns. Some species of stingrays can be found in oceans worldwide, whereas some have a much smaller home range. Here in Florida, we have around 15 species of rays that live in different bodies of water located within the state. 

Species of stingrays found in Florida:

  • Atlantic Stingray, Dasyatis sabina
  • Bluntnose Stingray, Dasyatis say
  • Roughtail Stingray, Dasyatis centroura
  • Southern Stingray, Dasyatis americana
  • Yellow Stingray, Urobatis jamaicensis

Humans and Stingray Interactions

Negative interactions between stingrays and humans are very limited, especially out in the wild. As stingrays are usually very peaceful and non-aggressive, they usually only occur when the stingray feels threatened. There are ways to reduce your chance of being harmed by these secretive animals. Stingray stings mainly occur when the animal is stepped on. To reduce your chance of a painful interaction, make sure to shuffle your feet when wading through the water to scare away any buried ray. When participating in recreational activities like snorkeling or diving, make sure to stay aware of your surroundings and do not initiate contact with a wild stingray or any wild animal. In any water activities, it is always important to have another person with you in case an emergency happens.