World Wildlife Conservation Day (Dec. 4th)

 World Wildlife Conservation Day is celebrated in the US on December 4th every year. This day recognizes the continuous efforts to help protect and preserve the declining populations of plant and animal species worldwide. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (the most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus, and plant species) over 42,000 species are currently at risk of extinction. Of the total assessed species, 27% of mammals, 41% of amphibians, 13% of birds, 21% of reptiles, 37% of sharks and rays, and 28% of crustaceans are under threat. This is due to various factors including habitat loss (the decline of viable habitat), habitat fragmentation (the separation of habitat), hunting and poaching efforts, competition among species, and a lack of genetic diversity.  

This day also focuses on helping to combat wildlife crime and working to help enforce efforts set forth in the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The ESA was created to help ensure the survival of species by protecting organisms that are threatened or endangered. This is done through seeking out and funding education and local conservation efforts, funding and providing the necessary means for research and data collection, and having governmental organizations (USFWS, NOAA, etc.) carry out work as well. These actions have helped improve the populations of many species that are threatened and have helped bring some species back from extinction. Some efforts have been so successful that some species have even been taken off the endangered species list. Animals like the bald eagle and American alligator were originally placed on this list, but with funding and efforts assisted by the ESA, were able to successfully recover and be taken off the list.  

Below is a list of ways you can help conserve wildlife: 

  • Be more mindful of what you choose to support 
  • Some of the products you use daily such as body wash and make-up are made from materials that can be harmful to the planet. Items such as palm oil and microbeads have had a negative impact on the environment. Be sure to research the products you use and the ingredients in them if you want to be more environmentally conscious. Buying from sustainable brands and sites helps the planet from reducing emissions and waste to supporting environmental organizations through these brands and companies. 
  • Support local environmental center and areas  
  • By supporting local areas and centers, you help support local conservation efforts in your community. Local organizations are focused on regional concerns such as native animal rehabilitation, environmental education, research, and conservation efforts that can have an impact in your backyard.  
  • Backyard ecosystem  
  • Your own backyard can be a chance to help improve local populations. By having native plants in your backyard and incorporating items such as bird baths and butterfly habitats, you can help support native species. Simple things like this help ensure the survival of pollinators which are valuable to the ecosystem. Bird baths provide rest as well for not only bird species, but for small insects as well.