Encountered an Animal? Here’s What to Know:

Here at the Sawgrass Nature Center and Wildlife Hospital, one of our main missions is to provide rehabilitative care to native Florida wildlife. Our hospital will take in sick, injured, or orphaned native animals and nurse them back to health to the best of our ability. The goal of the wildlife hospital is always to rehabilitate these animals in such a way that they can be released back out into the wild. For some animals, unfortunately, this is not the case. For any animals whose injuries have prevented them from being able to safely protect themselves in the wild, a permanent home is created for them here at the nature center. These animals then become our animal ambassadors!

Each year, the SNC’s Wildlife Hospital receives over 4,000 calls pertaining to animal inquiries, and the rehabilitator will take in about 1,000 animals over the course of the entire year. These animals include everyday critters like raccoons, opossums, and birds, all the way to feathered and scaled friends like herons, hawks, and snakes. The average person may encounter a situation with one of these animals while going about their daily life. Many people will come across raccoons, opossums, or even coyotes in their own yards, and that can be frightening! The SNC is the perfect place to help in this situation. However, there are some important things to know about these animals before giving us a call.

One of the most common calls the hospital receives is regarding raccoons. Raccoons (Procyon lotor) are a species native to much of North America and can be found all over Florida. Most people know raccoons as the furry “trash pandas” that spend their days sleeping and nights digging through trashcans. Surprisingly, these are necessary behaviors for the survival of the species! Raccoons are what is known as an opportunistic species. This means that they are highly adaptable to an environment that is rapidly changing or one that may not be ideal for their survival. These species can find food, shelter, and all the other resources they need to survive in a busy urban environment like a city or neighborhood. Because of their abilities, it is common to find raccoons in a neighborhood like your own even in the daytime.

Habitat fragmentation and urban development are some of the main drivers for raccoons, opossums, and coyotes to dwell in neighborhoods. Although these animals do need a place to reside, many people would prefer them not to be in their own yards. Here at the SNC, we like to promote the importance of coexistence with these animals. Although it may not be convenient for them to live next door, they need a home too! Here are a few ways you can deter these animals from getting close to your home:

  1. Raccoons will search for food in opportunistic ways. So, if your garbage is uncovered or unsecure, or if there is cat or dog food left out overnight, that might encourage these furry friends to come digging.

2. Be aware of any fruit trees that may be growing in or dropping fruit in your backyard. This will attract racoons and other animals that might eat these as a tasty snack.

3. There are many resources that can be used to scare off these animals if encountered that are both safe and effective. Some of these include motion sensor sprinklers, cans with rocks or coins in them that can be shaken to scare them away, air hoses, motion sensor floodlights, and many more.

When coming across these animals, it is necessary to keep in mind the ways to deter them from your homes without harming them. Remember, there are laws in Florida relating to the capture, release, and relocation of wild animals. Before interacting with the animal in any way, do your research and contact your local wildlife center!

What to know about Hurricane Helene

By now, most Floridians have become familiar with the category 2 hurricane swirling on the west coast of the state known as hurricane Helene. As of 11:00AM on Thursday, September 26th, Helene seems to be headed straight for Tallahassee, FL. Governor Ron DeSantis has deemed this possibly the worst hurricane to hit Tallahassee in many generations. Although a category 2 hurricane is on the lower side of the category possibilities, this is still an incredibly powerful and dangerous storm on the horizon. Here is some information on the possible consequences of a category 2 hurricane and the prevention and safety measures necessary to keep you and your family safe.  

Helene has a sustained wind speed of 105mph as the storm continues to move north and could reach 130mph before landfall. After coming ashore, the wind speeds will decrease slightly, but the dangers will not disappear. Strong winds can knock down coastal houses, tear roofs off homes, and blow large debris around, causing extreme hazards. Luckily, this kind of damage requires wind gusts upwards of 150mph. However, wind speeds of 110+mph can still cause some catastrophe. If you hear of wind gusts at this speed or higher, or you hear branches breaking outside like a tornado, find shelter in your home. Experts say that the best places to find shelter include interior rooms with no windows where you can cover yourself with a heavy blanket or comforter.  

One of the largest threats of hurricanes for coastal areas is storm surge. Strom surge is an intense rise in sea level that creates dangerous floods caused by a large storm. The typical storm surge for a category 2 hurricane rises to 6-8 feet above the normal high tide in that coastal area. With this sudden rush of sea water comes dangerous outcomes. Local streets, homes, and business can be flooded, destroying belongings or preventing emergency vehicles from traveling through the city. In case of intense storm surge like this, it is important to know all the necessary safety measures. To prepare your home for a flood, put any valuable belongings as high up as you can, place sandbags near entrances or open areas to prevent water from coming in, but most importantly, stay informed by your local emergency departments on the status of the storm and the best safety precautions.  

Perhaps the most common disturbance caused by a hurricane is a power outage. This can happen on many scales: neighborhood outages all the way to city or county-wide outages. Depending on the severity of the storm, intense wind and storm surges can cause malfunctions in the area’s power supply, causing many people to lose power to their homes. This can be a consequence of many parts of the storm. Commonly, high wind speeds can threaten infrastructure that keeps power for many people. At first, a power outage in your home may not seem so terrible. However, going too long without power can become severe very quickly. Because of this, it is important to have the materials needed during a power outage on hand at all times. This includes batteries, flashlights, battery operated radios (or other devices to stay informed on the storm), portable chargers, canned food, distilled water, and, if possible, a generator to give your home some temporary power.  

Although hurricane dangers may sound intimidating, staying prepared and informed all throughout the storm is the best precaution you can take. The Sawgrass Nature Center & Wildlife Hospital wishes all you Floridians a safe and dry next few days! 

Happy Fall in Florida!

From pumpkin spice lattes to red scarves and flannels, piles of leaves in the front yard and a crisp breeze in the air, carved pumpkins on doorsteps or Halloween candy in the store, wherever you go it’s nearly impossible to ignore the upcoming festive season- autumn! For most people, this season marks the shift into colder weather and festive holidays back-to-back. Although it can still be a lot of fun to celebrate, most Floridians do not get to experience the staple autumn seasonal changes. The climate of south Florida is one that is much warmer on average than other parts of the U.S. and is a lot more stable over the course of the entire year. This leads to an autumn season that looks a lot closer to summertime than any color changing autumns seen in the movies. As the shift into winter happens, the air gets colder, and the days get shorter. In Florida, however, this shift in temperature is tiny. The average winter temperature in south Florida is 24?C (75?F). For many U.S. citizens, this is vacation weather!

In order to understand why Florida’s autumn looks the way it does, it is important to understand what autumn is. Why do seasonal changes happen? What makes the leaves change color in the fall? The first day of autumn this year falls on Sunday, September 22nd. The first day of fall is also known as the Autumn Equinox. This is one of four special days of the year, each marking a new season: the Winter and Summer Solstices and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. As the earth rotates around the sun every year, it is not aligned perfectly vertically. The earth is tilted on an axis at an angle of 23.5?. Because of this tilt, there are two sections of the year where one hemisphere of the earth will be closer to the sun or further away from the sun, making it hotter or colder, and two sections of the year where both the northern and southern hemispheres of the earth are at equal distance from the sun. The point at which your hemisphere of the earth is closest to the sun is known as the Summer Solstice and the point at which your hemisphere of the earth is furthest away from the sun is known as the Winter Solstice. The two points where both the northern and southern hemispheres are equal distance from the sun are known as the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. These both mark a transition towards the next solstice, temperatures cooling down as you get further away from the sun, or temperatures heating up as you get closer to the sun.

Being in the northern hemisphere, the Autumn Equinox falls in September every year as we prepare to head into winter. One of the most notable phenomena of the autumn season is the changing of the leaves from bright green and blooming to shades of orange, brown, yellow, and red. This happens because, as the days get shorter and average daily temperatures start to drop, the chlorophyll within the leaves starts to break down. Chlorophyll is the chemical found in almost all species of plants that give the plant its green color. Without the chemical, other compounds in the leaves will start to become more prevalent, showing off a different color.

Although not many of the physical autumnal seasonal changes can be seen in Florida, there are still many things to do to celebrate the fall season and the Autumn Equinox. Get ready to decorate with beautiful fall colors, grab a pumpkin spice latte, and carve some pumpkins because autumn is quickly approaching. Happy fall y’all!

Guatemala and its biodiversity!

Whether it’s the tropical rainforests of Brazil, the vast grasslands of Argentina, or the freezing biome of the Andes mountains, Latin America is teeming with different kinds of life of all shapes and sizes. When picturing the biodiversity of Latin America, the Amazon Rainforest is most likely to come to mind first. With the lengthy Amazon River cutting straight through the middle of the lush forest, the abundance of life here is seemingly endless. There are jaguars, macaws, dolphins, giant centipedes, ocelots, anacondas, anteaters, capybaras, cougars, turtles, monkeys, and the most beautiful butterflies you’ve ever seen. And this is only to name a few.

                As spectacular as this may sound, this is far from the only place in Latin America to offer this level of diversity. The country of Guatemala is located in Central America sandwiched in between Mexico on its northern end and El Salvador and Honduras on its southern end.  About one third of Guatemala’s natural land has remained untouched by humans. In fact, the country actually has the highest number of endemic species out of all other Central American countries with 16,000 native plant, animal, and insect species living there.

Some of the most eye-catching plant and animal species are native to Guatemala. The Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot (Amazona auropalliata) is endemic to most of Central America. This colorful bird has bright green feathers with random flashes of different reds and blues, and most have a yellow patch of feathers on the back of their head, giving them their name. Here at the Sawgrass Nature Center, we have two Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrots who were both surrendered pets. Their names are Sinbad and Alice.

Perhaps an even more fascinating species of bird native to Guatemala is the Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno). The bird is colored a dark, almost iridescent green color with a red belly and a short and cute yellow beak. The males have a long pluming tail of green and white feathers to attract a female partner. The Resplendent Quetzal can be found in a central region of Guatemala along a mountain range known as Sierras de las Minas. The habitats here are commonly known as “cloud forests” because they are forests found at high altitudes filled with mist and fog.

In ancient Maya culture, quetzal feathers were highly prized and symbolized power, wealth, and connection to the divine. The feathers were used to adorn the headdresses of royalty and priests, representing the god Quetzalcoatl and serving as a symbol of fertility and abundance.

This bird acts as a great representation of the beautiful wildlife Guatemala has to offer, so much so, that in 1871 the Resplendent Quetzal was deemed the national bird of Guatemala and can be seen on the Guatemalan flag and coat of arms today. The Guatemalan Quetzal (GTQ) is also the national currency of the country.

Guatemala is one of the 36 biodiversity hotspots all around the world with a plethora of species besides these beautiful birds. Some of these unique Guatemalan fauna include the Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra), the Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura pectinate), the Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus), the Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii), the Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata quichensis), the White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus), the Guatemalan Goby (Gobiomorus dormitor), and the Maya Cichlid (Cichlasoma urophthalmus). Because of this biodiversity hotspot title, the wild areas of Guatemala are considered critical ecosystems, which ensures that the diversity and culture of Guatemala must be preserved and sustained. September 15th is Guatemala’s Independence Day so this is the perfect time to learn more about this astonishing country and find out some ways you can help protect its native culture and biodiversity. Guatemala is a must-see bucket list item, so if you ever get the chance to visit, go check it out!

September 5 Blog

If you were to ask all the people in your life what their favorite animal was, almost all of them would be able to name a certain wildlife friend that they dubbed their favorite ever since they were a kid. Many children will pick lions, giraffes, monkeys, snakes, dolphins, otters, and so many other cute and commonly known animals as their favorite member of the animal kingdom. But, as you may know, most of the animals the average person can name off the top of their head only account for a small fraction of all the wildlife in the world!

September 4th is known as National Wildlife Day and it is the perfect excuse to learn about some bizarre wildlife you may have never heard of, while also learning about the conservation efforts for all the animals you know and love!

Florida is one of the most biodiverse places in the entire world, meaning it has one of the largest arrays of species of animals out of anywhere in the world. In the U.S. alone, Florida is ranked in the top five of states with the most endemic species, and it is also ranked in the top ten of states with the most plant and animal species. Some of these wonderful animals include things like alligators, owls, snakes, herons, turtles, panthers, racoons, and so much more.

The American Alligator is arguably the most thought of predator on the Florida Everglades. The genus and species name for the animal is Alligator mississippiensis and this animal is known for many of its strengths. However, did you know that baby alligators, because they are much smaller than an adult alligator, must have a lot of adaptations to help them stay alive? Some of these include a striped pattern on their body to help them camouflage into their surroundings, a strong tail to use as a weapon, and even urinating on their predators!

There are over 40 different native snake species found in Florida, and almost 4,000 in the entire world! Snakes are some of the most abundant wildlife and they have many different characteristics depending on the species. Many snakes are excellent at camouflage and have striped patterns along their body to keep them hidden from predators. Most snakes are also known as ambush predators, which means they prefer to hide and wait for their prey to come by so they can jump out and attack! Despite what most people think, some snakes are great climbers too! They have

specialized scales on their bellies that allow them to climb up the bark of trees and even sides of buildings.

When many people think of large Florida animals, the Florida Panther comes to mind. This is one of the most essential species to Florida’s ecosystems and is also one of the most protected species too! Did you know that the Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) is actually the same species as a mountain lion or a cougar? They have different common names depending on where they are found! At one point in the 1970s, the Florida panther became so endangered that there were as little as 20-30 individuals left in the wild. This was due to a massive amount of habitat fragmentation and loss. Today, population numbers are rebounding, but the species is still heavily protected.

If you want to help preserve the members of the animal kingdom, there are many things you can do to help.

· Do some research on the endangered species in your area and what their anthropogenic threats are.

· Take some time to learn what the current conservation efforts towards this species are and how you can contribute.

· Learn about the many wildlife species that exist in your direct area and what you can do every day to protect them!

Save our State Parks!

On the morning of Monday, August 19th, 2024, some strange development plans were leaked to the people of Florida detailing some new introductions into some of Florida’s most beloved state parks. These plans were proposed by the Executive Office of the Governor in the form of nine different amendments to the current management plans for these state parks. Very soon after, these leaked plans were publicly announced by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). After issuing a press release containing the new management plans for nine state parks (that were titled “The 2024-2025 Great Outdoors Initiative”), some commotion began among the nature-lovers of Florida because these plans all included developments of new 9 to 18-hole golf courses, resort hotels, pickleball and disc golf courses, and many more expansions that would be built into these natural areas. Johnathan Dickinson State Park, found in Martin County, was one of the most impacted parks. These plans included the construction of an 18-hole and a 9-hole golf course expanding to roughly 550 acres of land and another 18-hole golf course encompassing roughly 500 acres of land. If this development were to be completed, over 1000 acres of natural land would be paved over in this state park. And that is just one of nine.

Below are some links more information on the development plans of each state park and some other resources on how to help:



Many native Floridians quickly became outraged at this advancement and the FDEP received an influx of backlash against their proposal. This was not only due to the nature of the construction plans, but also because of the timely manner in which they were announced. After the initial documents were released, the FDEP announced the scheduling of public meetings discussing the management plans with only 1 week’s notice. With the wording of the FDEP’s initiative announcement vague and potentially misleading, the people of Florida decided to act. Hundreds of thousands of emails were sent in disagreement with the plans, and many Floridians took to peaceful protest at the parks themselves. After all the uproar, the FDEP announced on Sunday, August 25th that they would be withdrawing the development plans for Johnathan Dickinson State Park from agency review. This acted as a great representation of the power of the people’s voice!

If you would like to learn more ways to help speak out about this initiative, check out the link below!

Here is a link to a portion of the initial leaked plans:


Here is a link to the “2024-2025 Great Outdoors Initiative” Announcement:


What to know about the Florida rainy season–> hurricanes!

 There are many things that Florida is known for: its hot summers, beautiful wildlife, vast wetlands, sunny beaches, and most of all, its erratic and rainy weather. The wet season in Florida runs roughly from mid-May to mid-October according to the National Weather Service. For those who have grown to know Florida’s personality like the back of their hand, the random rain and intense heat don’t seem to phase them at all. But those folks also know the importance of properly preparing for a natural disaster. One kind being the most common disaster of the Florida rainy season that the locals know all too well: hurricanes.


               As we slowly approach the end of the wet season here in Florida, it is important to keep all of your family’s hurricane supplies well-stocked and up to date. Just because we are nearing the end does not mean we are invincible! In fact, almost all the major hurricanes to make landfall in or near Florida in the past two decades have occurred during the months of August-October. Hurricanes Wilma, Ian, and Michael were all very intense hurricanes and proved the importance of hurricane preparedness. Hurricane Andrew, occurring in August 1992, was one of the most dangerous ones in United States history and remains the seventh-costliest hurricane to hit the U.S.

               One of the foremost things to do to prepare for hurricane season is to stay in the know. Knowing what storms have been spotted in the Atlantic Ocean and which ones are at risk of making landfall is going to give families plenty of time to prepare. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides great updates as the hurricane season continues. Here is the latest update on how our current hurricane season is turning out:


               Many people will prepare for a hurricane by having a constant supply of materials in case a storm was to hit at any point. It is important to make sure these items are necessary and non-perishable. Although a hurricane kit can look very different to different people, especially to those living in different parts of Florida or different states, there are a few essential items that should be included in every preparation kit. Some of those items being batteries, non-perishable foods, water, flashlights, battery-operated radios, and much more. It’s also critical to note that animal and pet safety is just as important! Many people would agree that their pets are part of their family, so it is necessary that, during a hurricane, their safety is prioritized too. Make sure to add non-perishable pet food, extra water, and maybe some of your critter’s favorite toys to your hurricane kit. Here is a great link including all kinds of lists, tips, and tricks to create your own hurricane kit.


               Although nothing major has hit us south Floridians this season yet, there is always time to prepare for a hurricane at any moment to keep you and your family safe! Here at the Sawgrass Nature Center, we hope you stay up-to-date, prepped and safe this hurricane season!

Bringing sustainability into the classroom!

It’s that time of year again! The start of a new season filled with new friends, new teachers, and new knowledge! With another new school year comes another school supply list with new notebooks, new pencils, the latest trendy backpack, and more shoes for all the growing feet! Although the materials for a new school year are necessary, the costs can start to add up, and not just financially, but environmentally too!

According to the Environmental Paper Network, the production and disposal of three 100-page spiral notebooks (about 3.6 pounds of paper) would represent about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.  Multiplying that by the number of spiral notebooks used in the U.S. in one school year equals out to a pretty substantial carbon footprint. Although totally outlawing the use of paper notebooks is not feasible, many families can try to reduce their own carbon footprint by using less paper and focusing on electronic solutions. In this article, one Standford University master’s student calculates the comparison between the carbon dioxide emissions and environmental impacts of three spiral-bound notebooks and one Macbook laptop.


               For many young students, switching from paper to electronic notetaking is not exactly possible, especially at the elementary grade level. However, this is not the only way to prioritize the environment when going back to school shopping! Rather than settling for the usual name brands of spiral and composition notebooks, there are countless eco-friendly brands that sell similar products that can be utilized. Some of those brands include Honeyoung Notebooks, Notely Stationary, Decomposition Books, and many more! The key is finding a brand that can be made from zero-waste, sustainable, and recyclable materials.

An eco-friendly paper notebook is not the only shift in back-to-school shopping. There are many other ways your family can reduce waste and live sustainably. Decreasing the dependence on plastic products can have a huge impact on the environment. Almost every standard school supply required for student participation in a classroom is manufactured with some kind of plastic. Making the switch to reusable lunch containers, recycled pencil pouches, staple free staplers, and other plastic free items may have a positive effect on the environment. Have you ever had to wait in a long pick-up car line? It might seem nice to be first in line to pick the kiddos up from school, but sitting with the car running for an hour burns about one-fifth of a gallon of gas and produces about 4 pounds of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. For an entire week, that’s 20 pounds of carbon dioxide added to your carbon footprint! As an alternative, save on gas and wait a bit to join the pick-up line! For more information on easy environmentally friendly back-to-school switches, check out this link:


Here at the Sawgrass Nature Center, we wish you happy sustainable shopping and good luck in a blooming new school year!

The Docent Experience

As a docent, you gain many beneficial skills to apply to your future. We learn how to better interact with people and advance our public speaking skills. In addition, we were able to form many friendships with people from different ethnic backgrounds, deepening our understanding and appreciation of their cultures. You can learn what it means to have true discipline by coming here every day on time. If learning about animals is your passion, then this is the volunteer opportunity for you. After coming here, our knowledge of different species of animals as well as the environment has grown exponentially.

In the beginning, we were all timid and reserved.

 “I’ve always been very introverted so when I thought of volunteering, I wanted to do something where I wouldn’t have to work with others. When I heard of this opportunity, I was excited because I am very passionate about working with animals, but working with a group of people scared me. My mom encouraged me to take the chance and I’m glad I did. Our volunteer counselor, Abby, is very kind and welcoming, she didn’t put pressure on me and allowed me to work at my own pace. The other docents here are also very kind, they all had the same concerns as me so we were able to get along quickly. Overall, this was a great opportunity. Don’t let being shy stop you from doing this program if you want to because it is an experience that I believe will continue to benefit me in my life.”

-11th grader Anesha A


By Ian Brundrett

For decades our awareness of the harm plastic production and its wasteful byproducts produce have drastically increased. The most recent revelation is that the degradation of plastics into microplastics that cannot biodegrade are invading our every day lives. They end up in the ocean, in our waterways, in our soil, in our food, and eventually, our bodies. A study as recent as March 2024 shows that people with microplastics and nanoplastics in their arteries are much more likely to have fatal health conditions.

What about all the plastic we recycle you may ask? The reality is that most of the plastic we put into our recycling bins ends up in a landfill anyway. Excess food waste in the plastic will cause it to be dumped. Plastic degrades after only 1 or 2 uses and it becomes more toxic the more it is reused. There are also many different types of plastics and none of them can be melted down together and unfortunately it’s very expensive to collect and sort. New plastic, on the other hand, is cheap and easy to make and not many businesses are in the market to spend extra money to sort old plastic when they could just make more of it. Therefore, only about 5% of the plastic we recycle actually gets reused. The rest all gets dumped into landfills or gets exported to countries that we pay to accept garbage, where it also just gets dumped or burned.

Because this material has become so commonplace and there is no effort to stop its production, scientists and companies have been researching ways to more effectively recycle and reuse plastic to reduce its production. Currently, plastic is mechanically and physically recycled. It’s sorted and broken down into granules which is then used as raw material. As stated previously, this method is highly ineffective at maximizing how much plastic can actually be reused. Therefore, 3 new chemical methods are being researched and attempts to implement them are underway.

Chemolysis recycling – this method begins with a mechanical process of sorting plastic. Then, using different chemical solvents and heat, the plastic’s building blocks, called polymers, are broken down into smaller building blocks called monomers. Then, contaminates are identified and removed from the monomers. The decontaminated monomers are then fed back into regular plastic production.

Enzymatic recycling – enzymes are proteins that are commonly used in chemistry to speed up chemical reactions. In this case, enzymes are used to break down the polymers into momomers. Enzymatic recycling is an exceptional breakthrough because using enzymes to break down plastic’s polymers has no limitations on the types of plastics that can be recycled, meaning that they don’t need to be sorted and that we don’t need to dump the plastics that can’t be broken down mechanically. Also, it doesn’t compromise the structural integrity of the plastic, meaning there is no loss in quality and it will not become increasingly toxic between uses.

Pyrolysis recycling – this method involves melting plastics at extreme temperatures, usually around 500° celsius, or 932° fahrenheit, in the absence of oxygen. It is vaporized in a reactor and turned into oil. The oil is then used to make new plastic products.

These new chemical methods of recycling bring a positive solution to the issue of overproduction, waste, and overall health problems associated with microplastics. However the long term effectiveness of these chemical processes are not fully tested yet. There could be high energy costs, toxic byproducts, or unsustainable labor to operate them. Unfortunately, humans have irreversibly altered the state of the Earth by introducing this man made material and it will never go away. The only way to truly stop plastic waste is to stop producing it all together! That’s why it’s incredibly important for all of us to be more conscious of what we are buying and where we are sourcing our products from. Invest in reusable materials, repurpose things you use instead of throwing them away, buy products with biodegradable packaging, and properly disposing of waste are small efforts we can make individually to try and reduce our impact.







