Enjoy July 4th Responsibly

By Ian Brundrett

There is no greater way to show appreciation for the country we live in than by keeping it clean, beautiful, and healthy for us and our animal neighbors.  As you get ready to celebrate Independence Day and our beautiful nation of opportunity and freedom, remember the animals that roam free around us.  Florida has an abundance of wildlife and is one of the most biodiverse states in America.  As Floridians it’s our duty to respect and care for the wildlife that makes Florida so great!  So we’ve listed a few helpful tips so that you can have the most fun while protecting our beautiful country.

  • Try to plan your activities in an urban area like your backyard or somewhere that has a denser human population where less wild animals live and could be disturbed.  If an area like that is not an option for you, the best place would be a local neighborhood park that is still surrounded by human traffic.  Fireworks are especially loud and scary for animals and if disturbed by loud bangs and flashes of light, they may flee their nests and habitat for extended periods of time or indefinitely.
  • Avoid using disposable products.  Using reusable items and containers that you’ll be taking back home with you reduces the chances of accidentally leaving litter and reduces the amount of waste you produce.
  • Clean up after yourself! Do not leave trash and litter behind.  Not only is litter an extremely harmful pollutant to wildlife, but it’s also disrespectful to the community you live in.
  • It’s especially important to properly dispose of fireworks.  Fireworks have harmful chemicals in them that bleed into the soil and vegetation.  They are also choking hazards to local wildlife.  Make sure you safely retrieve used fireworks and follow the EPA’s guidelines for disposing of hazardous waste.  Use the links in the website below to find out more:

Safe Handling, Storage and Treatment of Waste Fireworks | US EPA