As a docent, you gain many beneficial skills to apply to your future. We learn how to better interact with people and advance our public speaking skills. In addition, we were able to form many friendships with people from different ethnic backgrounds, deepening our understanding and appreciation of their cultures. You can learn what it means to have true discipline by coming here every day on time. If learning about animals is your passion, then this is the volunteer opportunity for you. After coming here, our knowledge of different species of animals as well as the environment has grown exponentially.
In the beginning, we were all timid and reserved.
“I’ve always been very introverted so when I thought of volunteering, I wanted to do something where I wouldn’t have to work with others. When I heard of this opportunity, I was excited because I am very passionate about working with animals, but working with a group of people scared me. My mom encouraged me to take the chance and I’m glad I did. Our volunteer counselor, Abby, is very kind and welcoming, she didn’t put pressure on me and allowed me to work at my own pace. The other docents here are also very kind, they all had the same concerns as me so we were able to get along quickly. Overall, this was a great opportunity. Don’t let being shy stop you from doing this program if you want to because it is an experience that I believe will continue to benefit me in my life.”
-11th grader Anesha A