Wally the Alligator! Wally is one of the animals that has been at the Sawgrass Nature Center the longest. Rescued as a baby from the streets of Coral Springs, Wally had lost all fear of humans. While this does not necessarily mean she is friendly, it does mean that she cannot be released back into the wild.
Like most animals that become too used to humans, Wally is used to people feeding her. Not only would she be unable to fend for herself in the wild, but she would also have zero urge to hide from potentially dangerous human encounters.
Humans are the number one cause of death for most animals in the Animal Kingdom. This is why it is for the best that we leave them alone and they know to run from us.
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Contact the SNC’s education department about how to book an educational program for you and your family at education@sawgrassnaturecenter.org.